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Games like Wordle

Actorle Game 🎥 Actors wordle

What is actorle? It is a game based on the famous word game wordle but adapted this time to guess a actor in eight tries to a actors database. It is an ingenious game also called actors wordle. We are going to explain to you what the actorle wordle consists of, how to download it and why play actordle Online. In this game you need to solve a mystery actor, it’s different than wordle, but if you love actors and movies, we think you will like this online game!

actordle game

Actorle game

Actordle game is a daily game that can be played ONLY once a day in today´s challenge mode. Actordle is a game of guessing a film famous in eight guesses, the difficulty increases compared to the original wordle and we are going to teach you how to play film actors wordle with tips and tricks to improve your skill.

The game is very simple. It consists of guessing a famous actor in 8 attempts with some clues. When you solve this mysterious actor, actordle game gives you the option to share it on your social networks.

If you love films!, we think you will like this online game. If you try it you will find out perfectly why this online game has gone viral in in a few hours.


👉 How to play actorle online

It is a simple pastime that has gone viral thanks to its simplicity, and the fact that you only have 8 daily attempts to solve its challenge. Actordle Online game is a completely free actors guessing game with no need to download anything or install the game.

You must solve actor name from a list. Each guess reveals another clue of the actor. As you choose, you can help yourself with the hints that the game gives you.

This game don´t allows players to play a new game again after finishing the day’s game. If you want to play infinite actorle, we will explain how to do it if you continue reading.

The purpose of actordle is to guess a movie in 8 attempts, so on the eight attempt it is imperative that you solve it. The game offers a list of films and you have to choose among all of them which one you think is the actordle movie today. The clues are independent for each movie. A new mystery film every day!


This is the version that asks you to a movie mysterious actor in just 8 tries. When you write your actor, in each attempt it will tell you tips and clues.

  • Guess the actor who played in all of these movies
  • You have 8 guesses so be smart with your choices
  • If you find an actor from one of the listed movies, the title will be revealed
  • A guessed actor’s age is displayed with a green background if it matches, with a yellow background if the difference is less than 10 years and with a red background if the difference is more than 10 years
  • Share your success or defeat
  • New challenge every day

Actorle today tricks

Guess which mystery actor is hiding today in actordl. If you follow these tips you will be able to guess today’s movie in actordle more quickly. Remember that you have 8 attempts and if you don’t get it you can play in incognito mode to play unlimited actordle. Find the actor of the day!

▶️ Play Actorle website

The game is very simple. Guess the name of the actor. Select a famous actor to see if you have the correct solution and submit your answer.

If you want to play, you can click here to play online free. Every day, a new movie wordle is chosen which players aim to guess within eigth tries. Do you want to play actordle game wordle?

Actorle alternatives ❤️

We are seeing a lot of web and mobile applications that mimic the way Wordle works and seek to take some of the popularity away from this new platform. Some developers take advantage of this success to launch applications and provide us with alternatives to spend our free time simply using our browser.

We leave you some acrorle alternatives with more grids, letters or handicap in this games like wordle:

Top Wordle variants

Select your free variant wordle game from our top list.

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is actorle?

actordle game

The objective of actordle is find the actor of the day. In this game you must solve in eighth chances a famous actor once a day.

How to play actorle?

actors wordle

The purpose of the actorle game is to guess a mysterious actor known as actordle in 8 tries. The rules to play are:

Guess the actor who played in all of these movies.
You have 8 guesses so be smart with your choices.
If you find an actor from one of the listed movies, the title will be revealed.
A guessed actor’s age is displayed with a green background if it matches, with a yellow background if the difference is less than 10 years and with a red background if the difference is more than 10 years.

How many times a day can you play actorle?

You will only be able to play actorle once a day, as there is only one possible actor or actress a day to guess.

What is the name of actors wordle?

actordle wordle game

The game similar to wordle but in which you have to guess actors with several clues is called actorle. You can see a guide on how to play actorle for more details, with rules, where to play for free and how to share your results.

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