Riddle: Three Men Enter A Room Answer (SOLVED)

Three Men Enter A Room Riddle Answer, 3 Men Enter A Room Riddle. Now, What is Three Men Enter A Room Answer? If you are looking for a solution explained, we leave you how to solve this viral riddle. Where did the third man go? Today we will solve the latest three men enter the room puzzle. People all over the world are trying to crack this riddle and share it with their friends and family. In this article, we will solve a puzzle that three men enter a room and provide. So let’s get started now.

Riddle: Three men enter a room but only two walk out. The room is empty. Where is the third man?

Many people from all over the world are sharing this trending riddle with their friends and are challenging them to find a correct answer. Read the sentence once more, just to be sure!

Three Men Enter A Room Answer

Three Men Enter A Room Answer

The Riddle Reads:

Three men enter a room but only two walk out. The room is empty.

Where is the third man?

Three Men Enter A Room Riddle Answer

The correct answer to Three Men Enter A Room Riddle is the third man is in a Wheel Chair. So he rolls out on Wheel Chair, instead of Walking out.

Three Men Enter A Room Riddle Solution, Explanation

Now that you know the answer to the three mens in the room riddle, let’s explain the answer. First, read the riddle again.

The riddle says “Three men enter a room but only two walk out. The room is empty. Where is the third man?”.

Here if you read the first sentence carefully, it says Three men enter a room but only two walk out. So according to the riddle, 3 men enter the room. Nowhere it is mentioned that the men walked into the room. Whereas the second part of the sentence says “two walk out”. This means that 2 men walked out of the room. Therefore we can clearly say that the third man came out of the room in a Wheel Chair.

Hence, the third man is in a wheel chair and he rolls out from the room on wheel chair is the correct answer to the Three Men Enter A Room Riddle.

Three Men Enter A Room Riddle – Video Solution Explained

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