What is the foximax wordle? If you haven’t yet gotten hooked on the foximax game, it won’t take 2 minutes for you to want to play this innovative online math game. We are going to explain what the game consists of, how to download it and why play it. You have this free online game available if love new challenges we think you will like it!. Continue reading to play foximax guessing game wordle.

Who is Max? Max is a quick brown fox who jumps over the lazy dog. He slips under the gate, “Etaoin shrdlu!” he says as he disappears into the woods. There he sets puzzles for his friends and family, which he has asked us to share with you.
This game can only be played once a day inspired by the famous Wordle that is sweeping Internet, we have tried it and we are already looking forward to playing it again tomorrow to share our time solving this geometry game with our friends to challenge them, You can leave your questions in the comments.
Foximax Wordle
The first game Max has devised is a tricky version of the classic Hangman.Like Hangman you try to guess the word, one letter at a time. Guess a letter correctly—a hit—and it will be revealed with a green background.
However, if you get a letter wrong, another word is added—now you have two words to guess, and so it goes on: each “miss” letter adds a word to the game. A hit will reveal all the places that letter appears in all the words in play. To complete the game, find all the letters in the words shown. The fewer words, the better!
Correct letters are shown with a green background. When a new word is added, any previous miss letters have a dark background, like the letters A, Y, and T in the picture below. Miss letters have a dark background in the keyboard; correct letters green. Every word in each game normally starts with a different letter.

If you don’t manage to guess the eight words, Max will reveal all the letters you missed in red:

To play this math game you do not need to download foximax wordle game you can play online it is not necessary to download the game to see your statistics in the icon above where you can see the result if you do not hit it.
These are the settings in the game (click the cogs, top right) you can adjust:
- Dark mode choose between a dark theme (the default) and light.
- Hi-contrast color alternate colors.
- Confirm letter choices asks you to confirm each letter you choose.
- Free letter to start game reveals one letter in the first word when the game starts.
- Hints briefly shows you commentary popups as you play.
- One Undo per game lets you take back a letter.
- SHow all words after game reveals any words you didn’t need to complete the game.
How to play foximax
You can play in daily game or training mode for foximax unlimited:
- Reveal the word or words by guessing letters one at a time.
- Get a letter wrong, and a new word is added.
- Get eight letters wrong, and it’s game over.
- Fewest words is best.
Come back tomorrow to try and extend your streak!
- Play a random set of words.
- Press Share to play a game with friends.
▶️ Play Foximax wordle
This game version has not been adapted to several languages yet, we are still talking about wordle and with this universal version it may be enough to go viral. If you dare, post your results in the comments and we’ll see how it goes for you. You can play foximax game wordle here: 👇
Alternatives foximax wordle game
We leave you some alternatives to play foximax or games like wordle:
Play HEARDLE 90s game

Music 90s Wordle
Guess the song from the intro in as few tries as possible. Simply put, it’s Geoguessr for music: you get a few seconds of a song intro, and you have to guess what it is. You can play heardle 90s and guess the artist or song.
NFL Wordle
If you like NFL, Weddle is a new wordle based on guessing a daily NFL player, similar to Wardle baseball wordle.
Put your skills to the test and solve thirty-two Wordles at once! You have 37 guesses to solve all 32 words. A new Duotrigordle available each day to solve.
Frequently asked questions (F.A.Q.)
¿What is foximax game?
This is a game in which players have four chances to guess some words once a day. Reveal the word or words by guessing letters one at a time.
How do you play foximax?
Reveal the word or words by guessing letters one at a time.
Get a letter wrong, and a new word is added.
Get eight letters wrong, and it’s game over.
Fewest words is best.
Come back tomorrow to try and extend your streak!
What is the FOX wordle?
The first game Max has devised is a tricky version of the classic Hangman. Like Hangman you try to guess the word, one letter at a time.
Guess a letter correctly—a hit—and it will be revealed with a green background.
However, if you get a letter wrong, another word is added—now you have two words to guess, and so it goes on: each “miss” letter adds a word to the game.
A hit will reveal all the places that letter appears in all the words in play.
To complete the game, find all the letters in the words shown. The fewer words, the better!
Correct letters are shown with a green background. When a new word is added, any previous miss letters have a dark background, like the letters A, Y, and T in the picture below.
Miss letters have a dark background in the keyboard; correct letters green.
Every word in each game normally starts with a different letter.
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At World3dmap.com we are interested in trends, we are fans mind games and we like to report viral online games. We love all about wordle and games like wordle.